Other Areas of Use

Fiberbinder® can be used as a wetting agent on most asbestos-containing materials that need to be dismantled and disposed of in a landfill.

When wetting with water, rapid evaporation often occurs, and this significantly reduces the water’s ability to fix fibers while the items are dismantled and placed in bags.

When using Fiberbinder® as a wetting agent, you secure that the fibers are fixed throughout the period until the items are packed in bags. In addition, you gain the advantage that Fiberbinder®, due to its higher viscosity, does not run off the items to the same extent as water does.

Fiberbinder® is applied as a wetting agent to minimize the risk of fiber dispersion into the surrounding environment and to reduce the amount of dusty fibers that make subsequent cleaning more difficult.

During the transportation and handling of bags containing asbestos waste to the landfill, it is possible for the bags to be damaged, leading to the release of dust containing asbestos fibers.

By treating the contents of the asbestos bags with Fiberbinder®, the fibers are also fixed during transportation and landfill handling, thereby minimizing the risk associated with bag damage.

When using Fiberbinder® as a wetting agent during dismantling, adhesive stickers are provided to label the asbestos bags, clearly indicating that the contents are fiber-bound.

Additionally, signs are provided for placement at the site to inform people in the area that the Fiberbinder® Method is being employed to minimize the risk of fiber dispersion.

Information flyers are also provided to distribute to residents and parents of children in daycare centers/schools, etc., that are undergoing asbestos removal, informing them about the use of the FiberbinderMethod® to minimize the risk of fiber dispersion.

When using Fiberbinder® as a wetting agent, it is important to apply it only to the materials being removed and not to areas that will be subsequently vacuumed.


Bestil Fiberbinder® direkte på ordre@fiberbinder.dk eller tlf. 53 81 94 00

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Det kolde vejr er over os

Nattefrost og middeldøgns-temperaturer på under 5° er et problem for andre støv-bindere, såsom forseglere og maling.  

Fiberbinder® kan derimod både opbevares og påføres i temperaturer ned til minus 10-15°, så byggeriet kan roligt fortsætte i den kolde tid.