Fiberbinder® Copenhagen
Roholmsvej 8, 2620 Albertslund
Tlf. +45 53 81 94 00
CVR: 42040886
Fiberbinder® Odense
Kochsgade 31D, 5000 Odense C
Tlf. +45 53 81 94 00
Medlem af:

Fiberbinder® has been thoroughly tested both in practice and in laboratory experiments by Dansk MiljøAnalyse, and there is documentation showing that with the FiberbinderMethod®, it is possible to achieve up to a 97% reduction in the number of fibers in the air for at least 12 months.
A report containing documentation and a description of the comprehensive tests can be found here.
Fiberbinder® stands out from other products on the market and achieves exceptional results because:
Fiberbinder® is a slightly sticky liquid that has sufficient adhesion to fix fibers but is developed in a way that the stickiness does not hinder subsequent work in the area.
Using a powered backpack sprayer, Fiberbinder® is applied to the areas where fibers need to be fixed.
For example, it can be applied to an attic that has been asbestos remediated and cleaned but where it was not possible to vacuum all the fibers from cracks and crevices.
It can also be applied to the surface of materials such as mineral wool mats, roofing sheets, or other items that need to be dismantled and disposed of, where the goal is to fix fibers to the surface before removing the items in order to limit the spread of fibers during the work process.
You can read more about the areas of application here.
The Fiberbinder® liquid seeps into cracks and crevices, where it fixes the fibers and ensures they do not become airborne when working in the area.
It is important to note that Fiberbinder® is not a shortcut in terms of cleaning and vacuuming according to asbestos regulations and relevant guidelines. Fiberbinder® is a new tool that can be used in addition to the usual thorough cleaning, significantly reducing the risk of fiber spread and improving the working environment for craftsmen and inspectors who subsequently need to work and move around in the areas.
Fiberbinder® Copenhagen
Roholmsvej 8, 2620 Albertslund
Tlf. +45 53 81 94 00
CVR: 42040886
Fiberbinder® Odense
Kochsgade 31D, 5000 Odense C
Tlf. +45 53 81 94 00
Nattefrost og middeldøgns-temperaturer på under 5° er et problem for andre støv-bindere, såsom forseglere og maling.
Fiberbinder® kan derimod både opbevares og påføres i temperaturer ned til minus 10-15°, så byggeriet kan roligt fortsætte i den kolde tid.