About Us

Behind the company are two entrepreneurs.

Morten Einshøj, a lawyer and former partner in a law firm, and Jesper Haunstoft, who, as a master painter, recognized the need to make workplaces safer during asbestos renovation and came up with the idea for the lightly adhesive product, which was developed with several collaborators.

Fiberbinder ApS is now working to promote and disseminate the FiberbinderMethod®. The preliminary feedback from municipalities, social housing associations, demolition companies, contractors, and consultants has been positive, and we are now striving for the FiberbinderMethod® to be prescribed as the standard for completing asbestos renovations not only in Denmark but also throughout Europe and the United States.

Fiberbinder team


The background for the development of the FiberbinderMethod® is that it is often impossible to remove all asbestos fibers through cleaning and suction, even when this work is done very thoroughly. This presents the challenge that sometimes one ends up cleaning many times, but there are still asbestos fibers hidden in joints, cracks, crevices, and other inaccessible places. The consequence of this is that subsequent craftsmen, such as carpenters, electricians, and plumbers, risk stirring up the remaining asbestos fibers and subsequently inhaling them, which carries significant health risks.


Bestil Fiberbinder® direkte på ordre@fiberbinder.dk eller tlf. 53 81 94 00

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Det kolde vejr er over os

Nattefrost og middeldøgns-temperaturer på under 5° er et problem for andre støv-bindere, såsom forseglere og maling.  

Fiberbinder® kan derimod både opbevares og påføres i temperaturer ned til minus 10-15°, så byggeriet kan roligt fortsætte i den kolde tid.